Steam Cleaning | A List Of The Most Important Items To Steam Clean In Your Kitchen
What’s the hottest tip among cleaners these days? Steam cleaning! The steam from a household steam cleaner is hot enough to disinfect and dissolve tough stains. It can be used to clean almost any surface in your kitchen.
Between dirty dishes, raw meats, and whatever got left in the fridge too long, there are many things in your kitchen that could use a good cleaning. A steam cleaner will kill off any bacteria with heat. This includes any odor-causing bacteria living in your cabinets that you just can’t seem to beat.
All without using harsh chemicals!
This is why we use steam cleaning at Hangers Cleaners. Our cleaning facility uses commercial-grade steam cleaners to get your garments fresh, wrinkle-free, and odor-free.
Stay safe! Don’t forget to use protective gear and follow the instructions for your steam cleaner and all the different attachments. Steam cleaning might be free from harsh chemicals, but the steam can reach dangerous temperatures. A good steam cleaner can reach upwards of 300 °F.
Here is a list of the most important items in your kitchen your steam cleaner can help you clean.
1. Kitchen appliances that can’t go in the dishwasher.
Got a mixer? Food processor? Antique apple peeler? A steam cleaner will allow you to disinfect the appliance without the dishwasher.
This is especially important for those appliances that you don’t use that often. They sit in your pantry until a holiday rolls around. Unfortunately, this is a prime environment for bacteria to grow. Use your steam cleaner before use and/or after use to make sure you are baking with clean, reliable appliances.
2. Faucets and drains that have hard water and mineral build-up.
The quick clean-up you do in your kitchen right after cooking is perfect for keeping your kitchen presentable and sanitary. However, there are a few areas that need some extra attention every so often. A steam cleaner will loosen and rid your faucets and drains of any hard water stains or mineral deposits.
3. A freezer that is long overdue for a defrosting.
Another cleaning task that only needs attention every once and awhile. Make this big chore more manageable with a steam cleaner. A steam cleaner, used properly, will help you defrost your freezer quickly and safely.
4. The kitchen trash can.
This might be the most important item in your kitchen to disinfect. Your trash can sees all the bacteria you don’t want in your kitchen.
Your trusty trash can is so good at making your trash disappear. It’s easy to forget that the trash can itself might need some cleaning, too. A steam cleaner will thoroughly disinfect the bin – even if it has an ergonomic lid or electronics.
5. Any curtains you have hanging in your kitchen.
Hopefully, you don’t prepare meals in a basement. It’s likely your kitchen has windows with curtains near the counter or dining table. It’s important to keep these curtains especially clean as they hang around your food.
If the curtains hanging in your kitchen need dusting, break out your steam cleaner. Your household steam cleaner likely came with a long extension as one of the attachments. Use this extension and clean those curtains without a ladder, easily.
Don’t forget to take care of your steam cleaner after use. Most models need to be taken apart and air-dried before being returned to storage.