Spring Clean Your Closet: Storing Winter Clothes with Care


As winter gives way to the budding blooms of spring, it is an ideal moment to tackle the seasonal switch in our wardrobes. Spring cleaning isn’t just about making room; it’s about caring for your winter garments so they’re fresh and ready when the frost returns. In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to store your winter clothes effectively, ensuring they remain in pristine condition. 

Assess and Sort Your Winter Wardrobe

Begin by emptying your closet and examining each piece of winter wear. This process helps you evaluate what should stay, be donated, or tossed based on condition and relevance to your current style. Assessing your wardrobe is also a great opportunity to inventory your items, which can be helpful for insurance purposes and future shopping decisions. This methodical evaluation helps prioritize which items need professional cleaning or repairs before storage. 

Cleaning Before Storing

Before packing anything away, make sure all garments are clean. Stains that linger can become permanent, and hidden soils may degrade fabric over time. For pieces that need special attention, such as wool coats or silk blends, professional dry cleaning is recommended. Hangers Cleaners provides expert care tailored to delicate and demanding materials, ensuring your winter apparel is impeccably clean before storage. Remember, clean garments are less likely to attract pests or emit unwanted odors during storage. 

Choosing the Right Storage Solutions

1. Plastic Bins vs. Hanging Storage

Use clear plastic bins for most items, as they protect against dust and moisture. However, for items that need to retain their shape, such as structured jackets or tailored coats, opt for breathable garment bags and sturdy hangers.

2. Vacuum-Sealed Bags

Ideal for compressing voluminous items like quilts and winter sweaters, vacuum-sealed bags also protect against dust, insects, and moisture. Just be sure not to store natural fibers that need air circulation in these bags for extended periods.

3. Appropriate Environment

The storage environment should be controlled to avoid damage. Avoid areas prone to high humidity or fluctuating temperatures. A climate-controlled space in your home, such as spare closet or under-bed storage, is often ideal for preserving the integrity of your winter wardrobe. 

Using Proper Protection

To further safeguard your clothing during storage:

1. Mothballs vs. Cedar

Replace harsh mothballs with cedar balls or sachets, which naturally deter pests while imparting a fresh scent. Refresh these cedar items annually to maintain their effectiveness.

2. Silica Gel Packets

These can be critical in damp climates, as they absorb moisture that could otherwise lead to mildew or fabric damage. Check and replace these packets periodically throughout the storage period.

3. Breathable Covers

Instead of plastic, use cotton or canvas covers for hanging garments. These materials allow air circulation while protecting your clothes from dust and light exposure. 

Contact Hangers Cleaners Today

Properly storing your winter clothing is an investment in the longevity and readiness of your wardrobe for the seasons ahead. For those in Little Rock seeking professional cleaning and storage preparation, Hangers Cleaners offers specialized services designed for winter garments. We provide convenient free pickup and delivery throughout Pulaski and Saline Counties in Arkansas, making it easier than ever to care for your clothes. Call us at (501) 227-8500 to arrange your complimentary laundry pick-up or delivery today. Refresh your space this spring with a well-organized closet, courtesy of our expert care and your diligent preparation.