Here are 3 laundry situations and our opinions on whether you should do it yourself or bring it in for professional dry cleaning. >>

1. Dry Cleaning the Prom Dress

It’s been in the back of your closet for a few years. The glam and glitter would make Barbie jealous even though it’s a little out-dated. It’s your prom dress. You’ve decided it’s time to do something with it to make more room in your closet. Before you can donate it to an organization or add it to a memorable dress-up collection, it needs to be freshened-up.

Do It Yourself -or- Have It Done?

Bring it in for professional dry cleaning. Formal dresses are usually made with unique materials and several different kinds of fabrics. Check out the care tag and see if yours is an exception. If not, take it to a professional. The beneficiary of your dress-up box will thank you.

2. Dry Cleaning Raincoats

You don’t want to get caught in the rain without one, so chances are you have one stashed in your vehicle, office or locker. Raincoats are great! Except when it’s time to dry them off. Even if you leave your raincoat out to dry after a rainy day, the residue builds up and can create an odor or discoloration. Time for a good cleaning.

Do It Yourself -or- Have It Done?

Do It Yourself. Raincoats are also made of unique fabrics, but they are usually durable and easy to clean. Check the care tag. If you have any questions, ask us! We would love to help. Reach out to us on social media or send us an email about our dry cleaning services: customerservice@hangersar.com.

3. Dry Cleaning My Heirloom Handmade Quilt

Quilts are often handed down from generation to generation. It doesn’t match the interior design of your room, but it has sentimental value and memories worth a lifetime attached to it. Now it’s time to clean it. Weather it’s been sitting in a box or folded over a chair, your quilt needs a good cleaning every now and then.

Do It Yourself -or- Have It Done?

Bring it in for professional dry cleaning. Handmade quilts usually don’t come with care tags. DIY methods risk shrinkage and color damage. Your quilt has also become more fragile over the years. The extra cost of having it professionally cleaned will be worth the preservation and quality care of your quilt in the end.

Worried about having someone else clean your heirloom quilt? At Hangers Cleaners we treat each garment we receive as our own. We take pride in quality service down to the last detail. Rest assured, your quilt is in good hands.