The warm summer sun and signature Arkansas humidity is just around the corner. After a long winter, you might be ready for record breaking summer heat. Is your wardrobe?

The garments you only wear during the summer have been sitting in storage for months. Don’t be surprised if they smell a little stale when you dig them out to wear them. Plan ahead so you are ready for the hot Arkansas weather when it gets here.

Did you over-do it with the spring cleaning and don’t have the time or energy to get your closet ready for summer? We can help. Hangers Cleaners is here to make your life a little easier with free delivery and six convenient locations in central Arkansas.

Get started right here on our website: https://hangersar.com/dry-cleaning-delivery-2/

1. Swimwear

The first and most obvious garment that will need your attention is your swimsuit. Unless you’ve been swimming indoors during the winter, it’s been sitting, undisturbed since last summer. The last thing you want to worry about when you’re headed out the door for a trip to the lake or pool is the state of your swimsuit.

Swimwear usually needs to be hand washed in the sink using cool water.

2. Beach Towels

Now is a great time to freshen-up your beach towels. There is nothing quite like a dry, warm towel waiting for you after you’ve spent time swimming. However, after a long winter of being stored away, your beach towels might have lost their freshness.

Here is how to wash your beach towels (or any towel) to get them extra fresh and soft again:

  • Add 1⁄2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1⁄2 cup of vinegar to the wash
  • Let it run on a cold cycle.

It’s that simple!

They don’t need to be washed with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar every time you use them.

Once a year is usually enough.

Find tips like this and more on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HangersCleanersAR/

3. Shorts

They might not be office wear, but shorts are a MUST for summer weekends in Arkansas. Dig your favorite pair of denim shorts out from the bottom of your dresser and throw them in the laundry.

4. Your Favorite Tank

It’s lightweight, comfortable and sleeveless. It’s your favorite summer tanktop. Even though it’s one of your best go-to garments in the summer, it does you no good in the winter. It’s been sitting in your closet for months waiting for summer.

Summer is just around the corner. You don’t want your favorite summer tank to miss it’s debut because of it’s current less-than-fresh condition. Get it clean now so it’s ready for you when the weather warms up.

5. Breathable Fabrics

Any garment that you haven’t worn in awhile because it doesn’t keep you warm needs to come out of hiding. Hot Arkansas summers call for lightweight, natural fabrics like linen, light-weight cotton and more.

These breathable fabrics are great for summer, but their “lightweight” quality might make them extra delicate to wash. Make sure to check care tags. Feel free to ask our staff if you have any questions about how to clean any of your summer garments.